Welcome to Hype Dance 1518. A short, fun little game about the dancing plague of 1518 which happened in then Strasbourg, Alsace (modern-day France). In the game, you are the first villager to be infected with this mysterious plague and the goal is to spread it to the rest of the villagers. Sharing is caring after all.

Keyboard Controls:

  • W, A, S & D - To move around
  • R - To rest and recover your stamina
  • Spacebar - To dance harder
  • Escape - To pause

Xbox Controller:

  • Left Joystick - To move around
  • B - To rest
  • A - To dance harder
  • Menu - To pause

Sony Controller:

  • Left Joystick - To move around
  • Circle  - To rest
  • Cross - To dance harder
  • Start - To pause

Licensing info can be found in the Credits screen in-game.

Wikipedia: Dancing plague of 1518


HypeDance1518-Win.zip 56 MB
HypeDance1518-Linux.zip 56 MB
HypeDance1518-MacOS.zip 81 MB
Hype Dance 1518 - Game Design Document.pdf 731 kB

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